School Culture
Living the Magis
One of our Jesuit values is magis, or "the more". In order to live the "more", we strive for high standards for our students, both inside and out. This means dedication to a professionalism and excellences in mind, body, and spirit.
School Uniform Guide
When students go to work and school, they enter professional environments.
Their dress reflects a high standard of professionalism. Work and school environments are also adult environments. Our dress code corresponds to business professional dress both in the workplace site and school site. It ensures that every student will dress in a professional, modest, conservative, and safe manner.
We want to present a consistent image to the public to ensure that students are judged by the character and work ethic they demonstrate.
It has been observed repeatedly that the more professional a person dresses, the more seriously that person performs in her/his role and the more seriously others perceive her/him. Expressing individuality should be done through hard work at school and at the work place, and not through one’s clothing and external image.
- What will I wear to SCHOOL and WORK?
What will I wear to SCHOOL and WORK?
- A CRJHS uniform long sleeved, button down collar shirt that is available for purchase at CRJHS. Young men are required to have the shirt tucked in at all times and buttoned at the collar and down the front. Young women may wear their shirt untucked and only the very top button may be left unfastened. Sleeves may be neatly folded up if desired. Uniforms may be purchased Monday through Friday from 7:00AM–4:00PM at the reception desk.
- Garments worn under the uniform must remain invisible.
- Black professional full-length pants. Pants must be in good condition and not torn or overly worn in appearance. Casual, denim, or athletic styles and materials are not permitted.
- Black belt with modest buckle (young men). If young women choose to wear a belt it must be a black belt worn through the belt loops and have a modest buckle.
- All-black professional style shoes. Shoes must be in good condition and not torn or overly worn in appearance. Athletic, slipper, military-style boots, and outdoor-style shoes are not permitted. Pants must layer over shoes. Students may not tuck pants into shoes. The toe and heel of the shoe must be closed.
- Black socks or nylons or no socks.
- A professional tie (young men).
- Students are to be clean shaven or have facial hair that is neatly groomed. Students not compliant may be asked to shave at school.
- Eyebrows are to be free from markings.
- Conservative hair styles and appearance appropriate for the corporate workplace will be allowed. Hair should not be cut shorter than below the #1 guard on hair clippers. Hair should not cover students’ eyes or be shaggy in appearance. Students are not permitted to wear mohawks or other unconventional styles or shave or cut lines, designs, letters, numbers, etc., into their hair.
- Natural hair colors.
- Students with tattoos may be required to keep them covered at school, work, or other school-sponsored activities.
- If a sweater is worn it must be a CRJHS sweater. Jackets, coats, blankets, etc., may not be worn in school or carried from class to class. These items must be stored in student lockers. School sweaters are available for purchase from the receptionist.
- A black professional suit coat.
- A black vest that is part of a suit.
- Black suspenders instead of a belt.
- No more than two earrings per ear. Dangling earrings must remain off the shoulder. Plugs and gauges are not permitted.
- A single, small nose stud or ring. Septum piercings, barbells or other nose jewelry styles are not permitted. Other body piercings are not allowed. Students may not attend school until the piercings are removed. Covering piercings with Band-Aids is not permitted.
- Modest and minimal bracelets and necklaces may be worn, but may not contain messages. Chain wallets are not permitted.
- Message buttons, signs, medals and pins are not a part of the school uniform and are to be worn outside of school hours.
- One or two modest rings. Connected rings are not permitted.
- A professional-looking hairband or head scarf/hair wrap.
- A hijab (حجاب) or other head-covering for religious purposes.
- A scarf around the neck.
- Modest style makeup and nails.
- Non-uniform clothing during special Spirit Week events or during fundraisers. Special dress code themes and rules will be shared. Students whose clothes do not fit the dress code may be required to wear CRJHS clothing or uniform. The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. In all cases, the school has the final decision. Workers must always wear the school uniform.
- Wear clothing with appropriate words, messages and images.
- Wear shirts with sleeves that cover the chest/cleavage, stomach, and undergarments.
- Wear shorts or pants that cover the mid-thigh (no skirts) and undergarments.
- Anything specified by the teacher or activity leader (coach/director).
While on campus or while attending off-campus school-sponsored activities, both during and outside of regular school hours, students must wear modest clothing that does not contain words, messages or images that the school may deem inappropriate. In all cases, the school has the final decision.
The purpose of this policy is to develop healthy learners through a school environment that promotes and protects students’ health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.
- The school will provide healthy and safe school breakfast and lunch programs that comply with all federal, state, and local statues and regulations.
- The school will accommodate the changing special nutrition needs of students and the cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity of our community.
- Budget constraints will not take precedence over the nutritional needs of students.
- Sufficient time will be allotted for breakfast and lunch periods to allow students to complete their meals.
- Meals served through the National School Lunch and Breakfast program will:
- Offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on including a variety of fruits and vegetables on the monthly menu.
- Serve primarily low fat (1%) and fat free milk.
- Offer lactose reduced milk when requested by student and/or parent/guardian.
- Work towards ensuring that at least half of served gains are whole grains.
- Exclude deep fried foods and strive to replace higher fat items with lower fat alternatives as appropriate.
- Be served in portion sizes that meet National School Lunch Program and Breakfast Program requirements.
- Meet current USDA nutrition requirements.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
- Consideration will be given to both healthy alternatives and portion control when food is provided outside of the regular meal programs. Such foods will be prepackaged or prepared on-site using appropriate school kitchen facilities.
- Snacks served after school will make a positive contribution to children’s diets and health. The school will work towards serving whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy as the primary snack items.
- Any vending or sales of food by the school must include healthy choices.
- School personnel may not withhold foods or beverages as punishment.
- The school will provide nutrition education as a part of comprehensive program designed to provide students will the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health for a lifetime.
- The school will promote students’ self-awareness and provide sufficient information to enable students to make healthier choices.
- This program will be linked with school meal programs and other nutrition-related community services.
Persons in the CRJHS community will participate in the High Trust and Positive Behavior Support Program. All persons in the CRJHS community will be expected to follow the behavioral expectations as outlined in the CRJHS Behavioral Outcomes. Students who demonstrate appropriate behavior according to the High Trust and Positive Behavior Support Program will be able to continue as a student at CRJHS where they will have opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their experience at CRJHS and in college.
All behavior in the school should help to establish and maintain an environment within the school that fosters maximum learning and mutual respect. Students are expected to be respectful of the learning process and to take responsibility for their own learning. Students who make mistakes may be required to complete retraining sessions.
When the members of the CRJHS community demonstrate these behaviors, the result is a community where persons are:
• Safe
• Healthy
• Educational
Cristo Rey Jesuit does not disclose disciplinary records to colleges.
CRJHS Behavioral Outcomes
Persons in the CRJHS community are expected to demonstrate behaviors that result in persons who are:
• Guided by faith
• Prepared for life
• Serving others